Category: Thought Leaders

faith over fear

Faith Over Fear

Life is too short and God has too much for us to do for any of us to live enslaved. Jesus promised His followers would experience filled to overflowing life, a life characterized by joy, peace, and spiritual and emotional vitality. And yet, we daily make decisions based on fear, not faith. In Faith Over Fear, author and speaker Jennifer Slattery helps us see different areas of life where fear has a foothold, and how our identity as children of God can help us move from fear to faithful, bold living.

Jesus has more planned for us than we could imagine and He’s fully committed to perfecting that which concerns us. Fear holds us back, but His perfect love has the power to cast out all fear!

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the happy rant

The Happy Rant

Barnabas Piper, Ted Kluck, and Ronnie Martin cheerfully – if sarcastically – rant about all the things that don’t matter all that much (and some that do).

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The Crosswalk Devotinoal

The Crosswalk Devotional

7 days a week, The Devotional Podcast offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life.

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Equipping You in Grace
Thought Leaders

Equipping You in Grace

Equipping You in Grace is about helping Christians develop a biblical worldview in a conversational tone about issues inside and outside the Church.

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The Word Before Work
Thought Leaders

The Word Before Work

The Word Before Work is a weekly 5-minute devotional podcast helping Christians respond to the radical, biblical truth that their work matters for eternity. Hosted by Jordan Raynor (entrepreneur and bestselling author of Redeeming Your Time, Master of One, and Called to Create) and subscribed to by more than 100,000 people in every country on earth, The Word Before Work has become the go-to devotional for working Christians.

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Thought Leaders

Mere Christians

How does the gospel influence the work of Mere Christians—those of us who aren’t pastors or religious professionals, but who work as entrepreneurs, baristas, and accountants? That’s the question this podcast explores every week as Jordan Raynor interviews guests across the widest variety of vocations.

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Way Home Podcast
Thought Leaders

The Way Home Podcast

Podcast The Way Home Podcast Conversations on Church, Community, and Culture by author, pastor, and leader Daniel Darling. Thought Leaders Listen to a Sample. Ready

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the better samaritan podcast
Christianity Today

The Better Samaritan

Podcast The Better Samaritan The Better Samaritan is a pod- cast with Kent Annan & Jamie Aten where we’re learning — along with you —how

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seeing and believing podcast
Christianity Today

Seeing and Believing

Podcast Seeing and Believing Every week Wade Bearden and Kevin McLenithan search for the sacred on screen. Thought Leaders Christianity Today Listen to a Sample.

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prophetic politics podcast
Christianity Today

Prophetic Politics

Podcast Prophetic Politics The purpose of this podcast is demonstrate how faithful Christians can think about politics and have those conversations with other believers and

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Example Mid-roll Advertisement

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